Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Whats The Meaning Of Swollen


The trip to Oestereich begins with rain, but because we leave Germany behind us quickly, we want to continue anyway. Continue
is worth it for us at least as we see the Alps. Then we waited and we arrive happy and wet in Salzburg.
The city has to offer us after the long drive is not much, but the people are more friendly. When looking for a disembarking we'll get help from a couple Austrians.
We are offered a room in a youth hostel boys, but we are opposed to smile, because we have no Appetrit after the long drive to other boys.
just outside of Salzburg, we will find a room that meets our high demands. I (Henning) sleep well but with diarrhea one.

Oestereich is different than I had imagined, which lies mainly to the people what we were about to be friendly and courteous.

The highlight for us in Oesteriech was definitely the trip on the Grossglockner High Alpine road to the Edelweiss peak in 2571 meters altitude.
We had the luck to can stay there for 25 € per person and to be able to experience the sunrise in the Alps. The restaurant owner was alone worth the 25 € because it was so funny.

Henning and the Girls ...

on the Grossglockner High Alpine Road .. Power of first gear

The bedroom

view from the window of our bedroom

The next morning we tried to solve a problem on the turn signals. After we left blowing 3 fuses, we repaired the whole thing temporarily. A "real repair" would have on the weather certainly means our death. After all, now work from 4 indicators third After the repair, it went on to Slovenia for consistently bad weather ..


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