Monday, February 28, 2011

Do I Need Time Off Work With A Chest Infection

Take me to the comrades to:

I granted my request,

in your bond with the third! * grin *

(source ... Friedrich Schiller
The guarantee)

Can I Get Toxoplasmosis More Than Once

So slowly the hot water bottle is well past time. Outside, the sun is shining today so wonderful and the birds call loudly for spring. Even the daffodils in the garden looking a long way from the earth and the winter warmers are so soon faded again. Since I will soon show a last-confetti-colorful carnival model. That is, as always here .

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Letter For Lohri Invitation

hot water bottle gift box with flowers

Somehow it is always the same. If I am invited unexpectedly and need a gift, I'm guaranteed no wrapping paper, or only a tiny rest Fortunately, I got many Filzreste in my stash, that I can get a little gift pack aufhübschen at least something.

This has gotten here a the Filzblüten I've just strung with a thick needle on the ribbon.

And the Filzblume there was still applicable, a white spring bouquet for the birthday child!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Can You Go To Work With Chest Infection


"The most amazing thing a person can leave,
a smile on the face of those who
is to think of him."

born on Dec 24, 1925 .... went to the afterworld on Feb 26, 2007
my Grandmother!
1953, she studied and played this song .....
"Last Rose"!
bow with this song and I want to do absolutely nothing more to say except .....

never goes by what you love to do! Martina

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Does Sideways Victory Sign Mean

Owl Post Warning ... ;-)

Here in Kroetenhaus were indeed ne owl desired seeeehnlichst .. .. and today ... today it was time dat ... thing is eingetrudelt ..... jaja ... you know ... the saying .. "The owls which one calls", etc. ....
any case, for since they
Euli EULSEBIA ... see for yourself:
arrived .. then she came from distant Bavaria ...... uh Oberfranken I meant to .... KULMBACH to be exact ....

have zuererst times and their Mama
(the wife's grandmother is here ...) Call and report that they arrived safely is ....
soooofort and then it also has found a lad .. so owls among themselves, so to speak .....
then very quickly turned out the owl as Schluckspecht waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ..!!
and made acquaintance with the Kroetenkaterschwester ... tje :-)))
and tomorrow they will with the university because she said softly ... .. so .. .
they will be so Kluch as the professor thingy ... So by the Neckar beach ...
gaze Yes .. let's .. what will become of the little owl EULSEBIA so does ne :-)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Fake A Babys Abortion Paper

involuntarily macabre :-)))

nu ... so you know Surely this "I-wish-I-nen-track actions"? So there where you can call the radio station and wishes for someone NEN song yes?
Ok ... so ... today is one .... and actually eat the non-funny, too ... but in the first .. so most of the time already. Heard today!
Since calls to a man: "Hello dear xx team ...... I would like for my mother in hospital, the degree of the song of I & I ....." So be it, so remain "... Thank you!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Jaw Is Swollen From A Toothache What To Do?


I da nu have no desire on it .. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!

will be yet another fun .. for me is that nothing .......... tsss :-))))

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sony Bravia Scart Connections


so .. today I once cleaned up and cleared out so nen bit ... ha ... and what I think? NEN MAGIC CUBE ... probably not original (I never had real Monchichi or NEN NEN Kullertränchen real ... but it only mentioned once in passing)
Nuja ... at least I found the cube .... to here:
and shortly thereafter I found the book to .....
so ... and I practice ,,,,, nu tomorrow .... because I think the wedded wife'd throw me out of bed if I came with my nu cubes in the spring .. ..!
Nuja ..... I'll stop tomorrow on .. I'm learning that .... and if at some point I should have grandchildren I will impress as the full Sun suuuuper with ... yep :-)))

Monday, February 21, 2011

Groping Train In Japan


My contribution for FebruArt - Action on the monthly dawanda.

Hair Stylists Birthday Cake

half past nine in the morning Kroetenborn

Yepp. .... Had to get out of the garbage ..... very much even .... so I made myself ready ... so outgoing with moon boots and scarf and sunglasses. Et was freezing cold and uncomfortable glistening sunny. Nix for Nachtkroeten ... but whatever. So, I opened the front door ... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa * screaming * suuuper cold outside .... there. But as a toad has one of course so his pride so I ventured out to the Bioeimer ..... almost forgot ... ... tseee! Munter * cough * waddled so I hopped on the garbage cans.
Yikes, the neighbor from the house next door was also out there already, mist, as I had Nu grad Sun üüüüberhaupt not feel like it ... no matter what has to be that way. I stalked me so unobtrusive to the barrels, and remained in dismay at neiiiiiiiiiin ..... that was not a dream .. it true the most realistic of all the most realistic Realities. Said neighbor used the sidewalk ..... WITH WATER HOSE NEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!! "The whole ol split off must go here, so no one else does," she bleated at me .... uh yeah ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Removing Dried Silicone From Shower Wall

closing time ..... need him some day enough be ne :-) My

way you love all the ... kurzet sign of life here :-)
After today I do not elves had ninety thousand things is nu layer in the pit Kroetenhaus! Call it a day .... so to speak .... is not literally of course ;-)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Vegeta Proposal To Bulma

Saturday .....

was a really beautiful Saturday! Super Doll gaaaaaaanz had wonderful visit from far and when it arrived .... unfortunately ne very important person was missing it ... jo .. and I was already disappointed bissi so .. but neeee ..... I have the verschaukelt ..... visit was complete ... you hach .... came a little later, purely because of snow before turning even a walk round with sweet dog after the long drive ..... and I always thought I remember allet .-)))
Sun recently .... now I now all the time little bit from here ...... it certainly was sohooo, I do not cook .... neee had, I needed to get up to Sektnachfüllen ... not even all the wedded wife has taken over Hach .... ...... and et were "English breakfast" ... the good darann is ..... you can eat spread throughout the day so ... until everything is all ... ... I've also made it so I must nu veeeery much in my pen ..... stone Tired and Vollgefuttert Ahja ... ... and I lieeeeeeeeebe birthdays ... my special * grin *

your loving all .. I do that just as the nu Kroetenkater and hit me back ..... more tomorrow ;-)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Lohri Invitation Text

Kroetengeburtstach :-)

So you love .. so here yesterday after I so easily angeschickert happy drunk by the wind through the area tumbled 'm skipping ... so very full of joy and so ... yes .. I wanted to today, finally some pictures to NEN NEN .. so the only way some love

and this is my birthday table ... allet of indescribable gift: of course :-)
First of all, by the Kroetenkater (full of control freak by the way) people ... yes!
buntige and the cat .. so here is ... the vonne ISMI and sewn vonne Gränni ..... look ma:

jo .. and special about the quality colored cat is as follows ... that is because. .. I had seen before in Gränni Woooochen ne .... and I knew that the ISMI was great and then I wanted to buy do so to the ISMI to give a birthday ,...... unfortunately I had to but cancel the appointment because I grad bissi "disfluencies" was yes and NU hatt Ismi me for my birthday gift .... ne sounds incredible, but so is * *
hop and yes we are in grad ne Ismi I watch ....... ... nen ma picture me hattse gemalert ..... soooo enchantingly beautiful ... because even as a story is one of them ...... I'll show you gleichmal do so:

is not that wonderful suuuper great? Sun nu and here the story about the picture.

"There once was a little witch who lived in a big pond in a little witch's house on the pond härrliche lily schwömmten in colorful colors on those when the sun shone, small Hexenfröschlein croaking. One day, the little witch turned her round again to the pond, they did so every morning watt to physically to stay fit, suddenly sat before her on the Teichweg a little toad. The little witch was amazed, watt for the little toad had great golden eyes, and stared astonished ... but wait! What was that? The little toad had a small tuft of red hair on her head toads. A red hands! Since the little witch was amazed even more un said to the little toad 'Hey, little toad, relevant ma, why do you got there the sun red hair on Deim head? " Then answered the toad: 'Hömma, you little blood sausage, datt sin-loving my hair. I Frach you ja auch nich, watt the silly hat is there to look at your Kopp! Hate never seen ne toad with red hair, or watt? "

'Uh ...', then said the little witch! "Nope." Un were now the two best friends. Every morning, they strolled together around the pond un had a lot of fun if they threw gegenseitich with duckweed un hinnerher both aussahn like hell ... the end!

Yes so ... and that's me .... but not very deeply moving past year older than the day before yesterday :-)
1000 thanks to all of you, even on the wed spouse and the Kroetenbrut ..... that was a wonderful wonderful birthday !!!!!