Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rocket Chef Culinaire

dialect :-) * giggle * the so soooo sweet!

waaaaaaaaaa ... I take it so not .. nu have a look once the Redi
http://rednoserunpet.blogspot.com/ to:
So of course that is NOT the Redi, I meant the KROETIGIGANTFANT she has sewn me :-)
came today because that is such a package for me, yes. ...

and is so lovingly packed, and IN were Päcklies ...... the lovingly packaged Päcklies was then this:
a Regenbogenfroschkroete KROETIFANT and the second .. ... note the choice of material ....* grin * that's not suuuuuper sweet right? ! Nu Redi did not know the Kirsten was also so kind and gave me sewn NEN Kroetifant and when I have to be displayed in the blog was because of the Redi also already on the way ..... ...... I'm looking forward Redilein hach .... nu have I have two suits ...... ... I mean .. I is home to two children, two hundi, two cats (NO NO TWO MEN ... ha ... I knew immediately what you think: - )
soooo cute! and suuuper buntig also comes as a duet ... really good effect :-)

and this is my first nu Regenbogenfroschkroete ... who lives in the lamp up there :-)
Redilein you crazy chicken ..... 10 000 Thanks for the super successful and so warm ... really lovely surprise ..... You're a piece of gold * CRUSH * ..... Maybe can I iwann revenge .....!


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