Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feeling Sick Weak And Stomach

visit to the elderly lady

Huhu her loving all still here ..... you remember that story?

Today nu times then finally time to continue to make :-) well without pictures .. but yes nothing .. I hope!

So ... nice older lady and I agreed to meet the next day to "delivery date" for the best Sunday afternoon coffee time :-)))
Thanks Navi and their description of the house .......* original sound ... Imagine times before .. ALL houses only got ne new façade of our non ....* we also found it right away ... at the other end of Kroetenborn .... actually :-)
Hmm ... the first Clamps are searched ... aha .. there she was ... my wife Doe .... so bravely adding, NEM and packing paper in the door buzzer was rung .... now ... has been nominated me from the window :-) seen
On opening the door I poured first NEN surge "lunch smell" hold nose .. not so tasty lunch ... but so ... so how can I say .... that is older stale lunch. ..... whatever ..... nose and through!
After I was so ne .. We, the wedded wife of the party ... So after we had found the apartment .... we opened the door a little woman ..... I say small because I notice the same every time someone even smaller than me .. hehe ....!
She blinked at me ne ... wrong ... she winked at me so much that I immediately joined to the heart!
se ma come clean .... yes is cold outside ... and I hardly had the heels drinne locked it the door. Boar ..... I entered a heated completely smooth and warm three-bedroom apartment and stumbled through the first door so ne sausage! "Jaja" ... she said .. so the dear lady ... older ones because I fall over it constantly, "oh ... and I wanted to know why the thing then not there is indeed a public danger because wegtut .... jahaaaaaaaaaaaa Then she began to tell ... from whom she received the gift and the time it is useful and everything is something ......! Meanwhile, it was easy for me giddy because it was really warm in the shack übelst .. luckily they said we should set it once and it has boiled coffee! Yes .... so there we sat .... so two hour ..... Ner cup with coffee and eucalyptus sweets ...... and we came because iiiiirgendwann auchmal brought to the typewriter to speak :-) The She liked ..... well .... the only ribbon I had extra or pimped with liquid ink stamp ... which made bissi slack .. but anyway ... she is sooo happy and after I assured her I have the new ribbon NEN take it ... somehow ... she was really happy.
Iwann then it got too hot and I'm really at all ... I had to go home because the Hundie waiting for their Gassierunde ..... because she showed us her apartment ... but she never used the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom .... just what they have cleaned had before their cleaning lady the next day comes .... and your kitchen ..... yes ... ne very small kitchen but .... I had such a auchmal ..... with five people but ... the dear little old lady there was very unhappy with because they had always used large kitchen ..... yes ... the organic waste was still around .... the wedded wife, the then snapped boldly, and said we take the go out just now with ma ne ... yes .... NOW ...... hehe .... aaaaaaaaaaber than we had then we have x times passed and the Biotüte soup began to slowly had this funny little woman love to tell you sooo much until we actually came out after 20 minutes :-)
It was really a beautiful and entertaining Sunday afternoon / evening .... and all because of NEM Request the weekly leaflet .....:-))))
Said lady has my phone number .. we keep in touch!
jahaaaaaaa .. soooo was all :-))))


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